About George Ohr Pottery
George Ohr is recognized by many as the most influential and controversial individual in American art pottery history. George Ohr began producing art pottery in the early 1880s with the Biloxi Art Pottery company. Later, Ohr worked with the New Orleans Art Pottery with uncertain dates for start and end times. It is estimated that Ohr produced approximately 10,000 pieces during his years of production. George Ohr ceased potting around 1909.
Ohr's pottery is typically characterized by the twisted, manipulated, and violently tortured nature of his forms. No two were alike, so examples for his work came strictly from his imagination. Ohr's glazes were similarly unique and his pots are often recognized for their brilliant glazing.
Later examples of George Ohr Pottery are entirely unglazed. Pieces were either stamped with his name "G. E. OHR, BILOXI, MISS" or with an incised signature. Pottery completed with Joseph Mayer in the New Orleans Art Pottery contains an incised mark "N.O. Art Pottery Co."
