We are Greg and Lana Myroth. We started Just Art Pottery in May of 1997 to provide a convenient and safe way for collectors ranging from entry level to highly advanced to find accurately described and fairly priced art pottery. What started as a hobby of collecting Van Briggle pottery quickly grew into a small and thriving business of buying and selling art pottery across the world
We have enjoyed meeting so many of our customers over the years both face to face and online and we love talking pottery.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Just Art Pottery Team

Greg Myroth
Greg does all the buying and overall management of the business including all marketing and business development activities. Even though we sell over 3,000 pieces of art pottery each year, Greg personally inspects most pieces before they are listed on the website. Greg is a former trustee of the American Art Pottery Association. He has spoken at multiple conferences and authored articles on various topics related to buying, selling and collecting American art pottery.

Lana Myroth
Lana provides the day to day management of the business and scheduling and coordinating related business activities. She also spends a fair amount of time speaking with customers as well as setting up and scheduling pottery buying trips and deliveries.

Sue handles all the shipping and receiving for Just Art Pottery. She also processes a large majority of the incoming inventory. Sue is the one who regularly is receiving letters and emails of praise for her superior packing skills.

Amber coordinates much of the day to day activities at Just Art Pottery including processing incoming inventory and coordinating pickup and delivery of pottery collections.

Sara focuses on pottery photography and social media marketing for Just Art Pottery. She is dedicated to her art and always strives to get quality, accurate photos of our art pottery.

Ace and Almo
The newest additions to the Just Art Pottery team are Ace and Almo. They are 7 month old brothers we recently adopted from the Peoria Animal Protection Services.
We are always buying art pottery at competitive prices. If you have pottery to sell, we can help you out!